At Safetrust, we have witnessed firsthand the importance of access control and identity management in today’s digital landscape. Our company has been at the forefront of providing innovative solutions that bridge the gap between traditional access control systems and emerging technologies. However, as the market evolves, we face opportunities and challenges in maintaining our competitive edge.

Our Unique Approach

At Safetrust, we take pride in seamlessly integrating with existing access control systems, focusing on credential management and user identities. We provide interfaces that facilitate collaboration between IT and enterprise access, enabling organizations to bring access control into a common identity program. Looking ahead, we envision working alongside renowned organizations like OKTA, offering specialized identities through a single API. This means provisioning identities that can work across various devices, such as watches, phones, badges, and high-security plastic cards.

Value in Easy Transition

One of the aspects that our customers highly appreciate is our commitment to facilitating a smooth transition from old card technology to new mobile access control features. Instead of requiring a complete replacement of readers, our add-on module allows them to continue using their existing card technology while benefiting from the advantages of mobile credentials. This approach ensures a significant return on investment, especially for large-scale programs where replacing thousands of readers would be impractical. Our module is straightforward to install, taking just 30 seconds and eliminating the need for complex rewiring. And, if they need a new reader on the wall, we also have them covered with our IoT Sensors.

InfoSec Compliance and Security

Ensuring InfoSec compliance is a top priority for us at Safetrust. We position organizations to leverage cutting-edge credential technologies that meet the highest security standards. We strive to provide relevant solutions for the next decade, whether it’s advanced cryptographic cards or mobile devices with robust security features. Our technology is designed with InfoSec in mind, adhering to best practices in key management and serving as an extension of our hardware security modules.

Successful Deployment of Solutions

We have successfully deployed our solutions in several large organizations, encouraging others to give us a closer look. The value of avoiding rewiring and transitioning to a compliant and cloud-managed card program resonates strongly with customers.

Partnerships and Growth Plans

At Safetrust, we primarily collaborate with larger national and international integrators driven by our global customer base. Our solutions are well-suited for enterprises and multi-use complex card applications. However, we also work with smaller integrators based on our customers’ specific needs and locations. We are experiencing growth in the market, particularly in demand for mobile access control, and many customers are evaluating and upgrading their access credential technologies.


At Safetrust, we are proud of our company’s position as a pioneer in access control and identity management solutions. We have successfully bridged the gap between traditional access control systems and emerging technologies, offering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of organizations. While we face challenges in an ever-changing market, our focus on delivering seamless transitions, ensuring InfoSec compliance, and forging strategic partnerships will enable us to maintain our position as a leader in access control and identity management. With our relentless drive for growth and unwavering vision, we remain focused on shaping the industry’s future.


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