The employee experience is about far more than just novelty work environments, RDOs, Christmas parties and free coffee. Right now there is a mass resignation crisis happening across the globe, and it’s not due to a lack of coffee machines and ping pong in the breakout room.  

The work-from-home model during the height of the pandemic was widely adopted and has evolved into what we now call a hybrid workforce. But in coming back to the office even part-time, employees still want to maintain some of the key values that have become the norm since working from home – flexibility, convenience, autonomy, and of course, safety.  

In order to address these expectations, organizations are prioritizing mobile technology in their corporate strategy now more than ever.

Here are three ways that mobile, coupled with culture, can radically uplift your employee experience.


1) Seamless onboarding 

Anyone who has ever started a new job in the past has probably experienced the painful and dreaded admin that comes along on day one. You need badges, computer passwords, printer codes, WiFi passwords – and that’s on top of remembering names, where to go and you know… the actual work part! 

Now imagine a first day of work scenario where you have a workplace app in hand. Before day one, you’ve already been issued a digital credential straight to your mobile device. Once you arrive at the office you are granted access into the building without buzzing in or waiting to be collected. You show your pre-approved health check to the front desk team and walk right in. You find your desk on a map within the app and are automatically connected to the Wi-Fi. Less time waiting and more time getting to know your team and your new workplace. The first day of work can be an exciting yet stressful day. Having tools in place to reduce unnecessary stress makes a big difference for your employee’s first experience.

2) Fast & reliable access from lobby to desk 

Many access control systems are dated and require employees to carry around physical keys and badges. What if they could get access using a simple mobile app instead? 

Nothing quite says convenience like having all the identification you need right in the palm of your hand. It goes something like this. 

You enter the building through the underground carpark and use your phone to open the boom gate. From the carpark you come up in the lift (using your phone), through the doors on your office floor (using your phone), and log into your computer at your desk (you guessed it, using your phone). No more fumbling around in your bag to find your keys, or worse, getting to the office only to realize you’ve left them on the kitchen counter. A mobile access system leverages the one thing employees will never leave home without. In addition to reducing the risk of lost, stolen and compromised cards, a mobile access experience makes moving around your workplace much easier for your employees. 

3) Foster a hands-free workplace 

After the pandemic shone a light on just how germ-ridden common surfaces can truly be (I mean we knew but it wasn’t life or death before), it’s safe to say nobody wants to go back to using keys, fiddling with door handles, being the hundredth person to click the elevator button for the day… you get the picture. Hands-free, touchless, contactless – whatever you want to call it, it’s here to stay. 

Using mobile access creates a workplace that eliminates community touch points and makes your employees feel safe. Mobile credentials can authenticate from a distance which means less surfaces are touched, and less germs are spread.   


As physical offices continue to re-open, the time is now to reimagine the workplace. By leveraging mobile access to improve the employee experience, your organization can gain a competitive advantage in attracting, onboarding, engaging, and retaining talent.

Considering a mobile solution to uplift your employee experience? Contact Safetrust today for a free demo of our solutions.